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  • Skribentens bildLouise M


Environmental concerns are on the rise for a lot of us and various clever tree-friendly, plastic-saving, air-cleaning hacks are popping up everywhere – one of them being switching to a plant-based diet. Scientific studies have demonstrated that switching Western diet patterns to plant-based diets could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 70% and that fresh water use could be cut in half.

A plant-based diet is more or less exactly what is sounds like. The main focus is on eating a large variety of plant-derived foods. The intake of animal-derived foods is significantly reduced or completely stopped. So, vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians, and pescatarians can all be said to have plant-based diets and the main point is that overall, the production of plant-based foods have a smaller impact on the environment than the production of meat and fish.

OK, so a plant-based diet is good for the health of the environment, but can it also be good for our own health? We’ve scoured the scientific journals for the latest research on plant-based diets, and as it turns out, a plant-based brunch can boost both bums and brains!

1 – A plant-based diet keeps your weight under control

In a study published earlier this year, researchers from Harvard followed over 120 000 adults in the US over a four-year period. The study showed that, all else considered (such as other lifestyle changes), eating a plant-based diet was associated with a smaller weight gain over the four-year period, but – this is only true if you stick to certain plant-based foods. For a plant-based diet to be healthy, and help control your weight, aim for lots of fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, vegetable oils, tea, and coffee, and avoid things like refined grains, fries, juices, and other sweetened drinks.

2 – Eat plants and be kind to your heart

There is a lot of evidence out there that supports the fact that a plant-based diet is beneficial for your heart. In particular, people with a plant-based diet have a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease. It can also reverse atherosclerosis, lower the levels of lipids (cholesterol) in your blood, and lower your blood pressure – all important factors for preventing the development of heart disease.

3 – Apricots could reduce anxiety

Interestingly, a study from Iran recently examined the effect of a plant-based diet on the psychological profile of 435 women. This study showed that a plant-based diet reduced the risk of both anxiety and depression in the study participants. Again, it is important to stick to healthy plant-based foods, as the study also showed that unhealthy plant-based foods were actually associated with a higher risk of depression – so stick to one nicely ripe, fresh apricot and drop the apricot cake.

4 – Protect your tummy against cancer

Several large studies have found that plant-based diets can provide some protection against different types of cancer associated with the gastrointestinal system. In a study of 77 000 adults, a vegetarian diet reduced the risk of colorectal cancer with 22% while, interestingly, a pescatarian diet (a plant-based diet containing fish) reduced the risk with an average 43%.

A really great resource for some amazing plant-based recipes is plant-based by Thess. How about this totally scrummy smoothie bowl for your next brunch?

Photo by Therese Elgquist (plant-based by Thess).

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